Primer and Perspective on Risk Mitigation Policy (Displacement)

Update (March 18, 2019) A second version of the RMP has been released and the following are changes: The newest version includes an introduction in the beginning, language supporting homeowners with mortgage assistance and outlines amounts on page 8.  The new version also specifies that one-time assistance is for households “annually”– whereas older version did not have the word “annually.” And the last change is on page 5 where the wording has been modified so that “property owners who plan to issue notices to vacate due to redevelopment are strongly encouraged to partner with the City by notifyng NHSD 10 business days prior to issuing notices.”  — whereas previous version stated that developers are requested to partner with the City.    Update written by SAHOC member, Monica Cruz

Read: The updated Risk Mitigation Policy Draft   

The three-year Risk Mitigation Policy is in response to one of the strategies to “Prevent and mitigate Displacement”  in the  San Antonio Housing Policy Framework (pg.43) created by the Mayor’s Housing Policy Task Force. 

According to the Heron, “The three-year Risk Mitigation Policy, which taps into $1 million taken from the city’s general fund, intends to address city-wide displacement and lessen the traumatic effects of relocation. The policy, a recommendation of the Mayor’s Housing Policy Task Force, could be adopted by City Council as early as February, with a potential launch date between April and June.                                                                                                                    

The policy provides limited funds for relocation to those who face displacement and qualify due to 

  • city-incentivized developments in which the developers will be expected to help with the costs. For developments that are not incentivized, participation in the program is voluntary on the part of the developer or property owner.
  • rapid increase in rental housing costs where rapid neighborhood change can cause rise of rents
  • It also provides emergency assistance for housing stabilization “providing short term emergency financial assistance to residents experiencing eligible financial hardships. The program allows residents to remain housed and mitigates the potential compounding effects of emergency financial situations.” 

The policy could be adopted by City Council as early as this month and could be implemented April or June. The policy begs so many questions and issues about its effectiveness. 

San Antonio Housing Oversight Coalition (SAHOC) “…a coalition of local non-profit organizations and concerned individuals who support implementation of the Mayor’s Housing Policy Task Force (MHPTF) recommendations…” reviewed the Mitigation Plan draft and asks many important questions and makes thoughtful recommendations. Please read the SAHOC Review here.  

SAHOC has documented questions and concerns to the Risk Mitigation Policy drat and sent a letter to Neighborhood and Housing Services (NHSD) Director Veronica Soto outlining concerns, offering suggestions, and asking questions about the policy. 

The letter is an analysis of the issues of prevention and mitigation of displacement and can serve as a template to our mayor and council members. Please read the review and letter to better understand the issue so that you may advocate more effectively for your neighborhood and your community.